TPR-DS-2018-12-Community Pubs - A better form of business - 2018.xlsx - page 1/7 - The information in the following spreads…
TPR-DS-2018-12-Community Pubs - A better form of business - 2018.xlsx - page 2/7 - Region South East East Midlands South Ea…
TPR-DS-2018-12-Community Pubs - A better form of business - 2018.xlsx - page 3/7 - North West Wales North West North west
TPR-DS-2018-12-Community Pubs - A better form of business - 2018.xlsx - page 4/7 - Tenure Freehold Freehold Leasehold Lease…
TPR-DS-2018-12-Community Pubs - A better form of business - 2018.xlsx - page 5/7 - Freehold Tenanted
TPR-DS-2018-12-Community Pubs - A better form of business - 2018.xlsx - page 6/7 - Share Price Minimum Amount £ Share Capit…
TPR-DS-2018-12-Community Pubs - A better form of business - 2018.xlsx - page 7/7 - 1